Privacy Policy

The purpose of this “Privacy and Data Protection Policy” is to make known the conditions that govern the collection and processing of your personal data by our entity or corporate group to ensure fundamental rights, your honor and freedoms, all This is in compliance with current regulations that regulate the Protection of Personal Data according to the European Union and the Spanish State.

In accordance with these regulations, we need to have your authorization and consent for the collection and processing of your personal data, so below, we indicate all the details of your interest regarding how we carry out these processes, for what purposes, what Other entities could have access to your data and what their rights are.

For all the above, once you have reviewed and read our Data Protection Policy, it is essential that you accept it as proof of your agreement and consent.

When does this policy apply?

With this Privacy Policy we describe the treatment we do of the information collected through this website. This Privacy Policy has been drafted in accordance with the applicable European and Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data and services of the information society and electronic commerce in force on the date of the last modification.

The defined Privacy Policy options chosen on a third party site/application of external third parties will not be applicable to our use of your data, I feel this is the only Privacy Policy applicable in these cases.

Our website may contain links to different sites outside of us and of which it neither owns nor has control, without the possibility of demanding any type of responsibility for the practices that these sites carry out regarding the processing of your data and privacy. . The user is the one who can best ensure their privacy and who must analyze when they leave our website and access a third-party website if it meets minimum security conditions. We recommend that you carefully read the Privacy Policy of the site you visit.

How to contact us?

Motor Fast Rent
Urb. La Reserva de Marbella, 3 – Block 4, Marbella (Málaga) 29604
Telephone: 618 72 05 04

What data do we process?

Registered users: The data that the client provides when making a reservation, where they must enter their full name, driver’s license number, expiration date of the driver’s license and issuance, telephone number and email.

Promotions: People to whom alerts and promotions are sent (without having registered): you will only provide your email, name and surname.

Other information: Information relating to your location when you visit the website, including that provided by mobile device. Where applicable law permits us, we may also process information associated with your IP address.

Legitimation of the treatment

Client/potential client data: Explicit consent of the interested party; Existence of a contractual relationship with the person responsible through contract or pre-contract; Legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties.

People to whom alerts and promotions are sent (without having registered): express consent of the interested party.

What do we use your personal data for?

In accordance with the regulations applicable at all times, we may use your personal data that we collect through the equipment and devices from which you access this website to:

  • Execution of the contract you sign with us as a client and providing you with the best possible service
  • Customer registration for historical and statistical analysis
  • Payment of contractual obligations
  • Sending data to government or judicial entities upon request or by legal requirement
  • Contact and sending/receiving communications with clients to send information derived from the contractual, commercial and obligation relationship that may exist
  • Data collection so that the controller can fulfill its obligations regarding the information and personal data collected
  • Send you offers and promotions of our services
  • Analyze and improve the operation of our website, which may include surveys and other analytical tools
  • Detect any activity that may violate our policies, whether contrary to public order or illegal.

How long do we keep your data?

We will retain the personal data of clients during the period of time that their contractual relationship lasts and subsequently for compliance with legal obligations.

Customer data: For a period of 10 years from the last confirmation of interest.

Employee and collaborator data: During the term of the contractual relationship and for a maximum period of 10 years from the last confirmation of interest. The personal data contained in candidate and employee resumes will be kept for the duration of the selection process up to 2 years from the beginning.

Promotions: People to whom alerts and promotions are sent (without having registered): For a period of 10 years from the last confirmation of interest.

The interested party may expressly request at any time that their data be deleted without the need for any maximum period to elapse. If the person in charge needs these data again, he must request it again.

Transfer of your data

Luca di Tore is responsible for the processing of your data and may only use it for the purposes described in this privacy policy. In order to provide you with the best service, other entities with which we collaborate may access your data on behalf of the data controller as data processors and when necessary and current legislation does not prohibit it, as data controllers for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

We will also transfer your data to Administrations, Authorities and Public Bodies, including Courts and Tribunals, if required by applicable regulations.

International transfers

The person responsible uses cutting-edge computer services to offer his services and that are provided by entities located in the United States, so it is possible that we transfer your data to these third parties to fulfill the purposes described in this privacy policy. These transfers will be covered by the Privacy Shield and, where appropriate, by the express consent of the user.

Whenever we have to transfer, store or process your personal data, we will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your privacy, especially its availability, integrity and confidentiality.

When the transfer of your data is directed to entities based within the territory of the European Union, we will be guided by the contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and competent Control Authorities at all times to protect your privacy.

In all these cases we will obtain your prior consent when it is mandatory according to the applicable regulations before carrying out any of these operations.

Security measures

Our entity adopts the necessary organizational and technical measures to guarantee the security and privacy of your data, prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, depending on the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which They are exposed. Among others, the following measures stand out:

  • Ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of treatment systems and services.
  • Restore availability and access to personal data quickly, in the event of a physical or technical incident.
  • Verify, evaluate and assess, on a regular basis, the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures implemented to guarantee the security of the treatment.
  • Pseudonymize and encrypt personal data, if it is sensitive data.

What rights are recognized?

Current data protection regulations protect you with a series of rights in relation to the use we give to your data. Each and every one of your rights are individual and non-transferable, that is, they can only be exercised by the owner of the data, after verification of their identity.

Below, we indicate what rights you have:

  • Request ACCESS to your personal data
  • Request RECTIFICATION of your data
  • Request the DELETION or elimination of your data (right to be “forgotten”)
  • LIMIT or OPPOSE the use we give to your data
  • Right to PORTABILITY of your data in cases of telecommunications or internet services.
  • Right to WITHDRAW your consent at any time
  • Right to file a COMPLAINT regarding data protection before the Control Authority: Spanish Data Protection Agency

How can you exercise your rights over your data?

To exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation or opposition, portability and withdrawal of your consent, you can do so as follows:

By email

Through our contact form available on our website.

By postal mail

Through postal mail addressed to: Urb. La Reserva de Marbella, 3 – Block 4, Marbella (Málaga) 29604, Spain, stating the application in question and a complete copy of the interested party’s ID.

In addition to the rights that assist you, if you believe that your data is not being collected or processed in accordance with current Data Protection regulations, you may make a claim to the competent Control Authority, whose contact information is indicated below:

Spanish Data Protection Agency

  • C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001, Madrid (Madrid), Spain
  • Email: – Telephone: 912663517
  • Web:

Please note that we will need to collect certain personal data from you in order to offer you our services, so if you do not allow us to collect it, we cannot offer it to you or we will do so poorly.

When the data we collect is mandatory, we will inform you in advance so that you can make a free and informed decision in this regard.

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update the content of this Privacy Policy due to technical issues, legislation or other circumstances that make it necessary. These modifications will be published on our website, indicating their date and when required in accordance with current applicable legislation. We recommend that you follow our privacy policy to learn about any changes we may make.

If these modifications are very important and are required by applicable legislation, we may notify you by email to the last address you provided to us if you consent.

Consent and acceptance

Acceptance of this document indicates that you understand and accept all the clauses of our privacy policy and therefore authorize the collection and processing of your personal data under these terms.

This acceptance is made by activating the “Reading and Acceptance” checkbox of our Privacy Policy.

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